The script allows you to run a cluster regression using code that has not been committed to git. Usage: [product] ['bmpcmp'] ['lowres'|'hires'] ['relaxtimeout'] ['filter='] ['extras='] [user] Where product is one or more of gs, pcl, and xps or mupdf or mujstest. If you do not specify a product the product(s) tested will be based on what directory you are 'cd'ed to when the script is run. bmpcmp indicates that a bitmap comparison of your output to that of the last svn commit should be performed. lowres or hires indicates to only perform a low-resolution or high-resolution cluster run; by default both are performed. relaxtimeout relaxes the timeout for each job, from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. Note that the total time for the cluster job is still limited to 2 hours. filter= limits jobs to those matching the specified parameter, for example filter=pgmraw will only test pgmraw files. This option can be specified multiple times, in which case the filters are or'd together; i.e. filter=pgmraw filter=ppmraw will process both pgmraw and ppmraw files. Separating multiple paramters seperated by a comma ands the filters together; i.e. filter=300,pbmraw processed only 300 dpi pbmraw files. extras= add extra command line options to a cluster job, i.e. extras=-dEPSCROP. This option can be specified multiple times. user is your cluster user name, if you don't specify one, uses, in order of preference, the value of one of the following environment variables: CLUSTER_USER, USER, and USERNAME This works under Linux, Mac OS X, Msys, and probably cygwin. The order of the options is not important. You need to run from the top level directory (the same directory from where you normally run 'make'). Clusterpush prints an error if you try to run it from a different directory. Results will be sent via email after the run is completed, which takes about 10 minutes, presuming the cluster isn't busy. Your code is compared to the most recent baseline, so for meaningful results you will want to sync your code with head if recent changes to head have resulted in regression differences. The first time you run it will take a really long time to rsync your source to the master machine and then from the master to the nodes. After that things will go much quicker (unless, like me, you accidently leave giant .ppm files in the current directory). bmpcmp mode: To use the feature run with the option bmpcmp (i.e. "toolbin/localcluster/ bmpcmp"). This will queue a job that looks at the most recent none-bmpcmp clusterpush job you ran and generates bitmaps of the differences for the first 1000 files listed in the report. It puts these files on the internets in the location and then sends you an email telling you that it's done. Since some of the test files are customer confidential this directory is password protected, I've emailed out passwords, contact me if you have misplaced your password. BTW, I consider the fact that can look at output from other users, e.g. , a feature since this allows users to refer to bmpcmp output in email and IRC disucssions without having to email files around. You can add bmpcmp to a normal clusterpush (i.e. 'clusterpush gs bmpcmp' or 'clusterpush gs pcl xps bmpcmp'). This will queueu both jobs in the correct sequence. abort mode: If you want to abort a queued or currently running cluster job you can specify abort to the option: ' abort'.