/* Configuration defines for installed libtiff. This file maintained for backward compatibility. Do not use definitions from this file in your programs. */ #ifndef _TIFFCONF_ #define _TIFFCONF_ /* Signed 16-bit type */ #undef TIFF_INT16_T /* Signed 32-bit type */ #undef TIFF_INT32_T /* Signed 64-bit type */ #undef TIFF_INT64_T /* Signed 8-bit type */ #undef TIFF_INT8_T /* Unsigned 16-bit type */ #undef TIFF_UINT16_T /* Unsigned 32-bit type */ #undef TIFF_UINT32_T /* Unsigned 64-bit type */ #undef TIFF_UINT64_T /* Unsigned 8-bit type */ #undef TIFF_UINT8_T /* Signed size type */ #undef TIFF_SSIZE_T /* Pointer difference type */ #undef TIFF_PTRDIFF_T /* Compatibility stuff. */ /* Define as 0 or 1 according to the floating point format suported by the machine */ #undef HAVE_IEEEFP /* Set the native cpu bit order (FILLORDER_LSB2MSB or FILLORDER_MSB2LSB) */ #undef HOST_FILLORDER /* Native cpu byte order: 1 if big-endian (Motorola) or 0 if little-endian (Intel) */ #undef HOST_BIGENDIAN /* Support CCITT Group 3 & 4 algorithms */ #undef CCITT_SUPPORT /* Support JPEG compression (requires IJG JPEG library) */ #undef JPEG_SUPPORT /* Support JBIG compression (requires JBIG-KIT library) */ #undef JBIG_SUPPORT /* Support LogLuv high dynamic range encoding */ #undef LOGLUV_SUPPORT /* Support LZW algorithm */ #undef LZW_SUPPORT /* Support NeXT 2-bit RLE algorithm */ #undef NEXT_SUPPORT /* Support Old JPEG compresson (read contrib/ojpeg/README first! Compilation fails with unpatched IJG JPEG library) */ #undef OJPEG_SUPPORT /* Support Macintosh PackBits algorithm */ #undef PACKBITS_SUPPORT /* Support Pixar log-format algorithm (requires Zlib) */ #undef PIXARLOG_SUPPORT /* Support ThunderScan 4-bit RLE algorithm */ #undef THUNDER_SUPPORT /* Support Deflate compression */ #undef ZIP_SUPPORT /* Support libdeflate enhanced compression */ #undef LIBDEFLATE_SUPPORT /* Support strip chopping (whether or not to convert single-strip uncompressed images to mutiple strips of ~8Kb to reduce memory usage) */ #undef STRIPCHOP_DEFAULT /* Enable SubIFD tag (330) support */ #undef SUBIFD_SUPPORT /* Treat extra sample as alpha (default enabled). The RGBA interface will treat a fourth sample with no EXTRASAMPLE_ value as being ASSOCALPHA. Many packages produce RGBA files but don't mark the alpha properly. */ #undef DEFAULT_EXTRASAMPLE_AS_ALPHA /* Pick up YCbCr subsampling info from the JPEG data stream to support files lacking the tag (default enabled). */ #undef CHECK_JPEG_YCBCR_SUBSAMPLING /* Support MS MDI magic number files as TIFF */ #undef MDI_SUPPORT /* * Feature support definitions. * XXX: These macros are obsoleted. Don't use them in your apps! * Macros stays here for backward compatibility and should be always defined. */ #define COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT #define YCBCR_SUPPORT #define CMYK_SUPPORT #define ICC_SUPPORT #define PHOTOSHOP_SUPPORT #define IPTC_SUPPORT #endif /* _TIFFCONF_ */